GAME LOOT NETWORK Gaining high profit as easy as ABC Living in the present, where needs are increasing and if we do not have our abilities will be left behind. We must earn income if we want to live. Working 24/7 sometimes makes us saturated and in dire need of entertainment. Piles of work and bills sometimes make us stress and become uninspired. This is where sometimes we need entertainment, whether it is by gathering with friends, traveling, going to the night club or just sitting watching TV or even playing games. The last alternative is the simplest and most cost-effective way. We can download a free game and play it for fun to spend time and get rid of saturation. People are mobile now than ever before. So the need for mobile gaming is a top priority of entertainment to relieve stress.According to Newzoo's Global Market Market Report, 2.2 billion players worldwide earn $ 108.9 billion in game revenue in 2017. Even for mobile gaming segment, there is a significant ...
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FLUX Monetización de su afición en el ecosistema de juego global descentralizado Básicamente, todo el mundo siempre está buscando nuevas cosas desafiantes para satisfacer sus deseos. Esta nueva cosa debe estar estrechamente relacionada con el juego y la competencia, ya sea en el mundo real o virtual. Les gusta pasar largas horas haciendo estas cosas desafiantes. Ejemplos son jugar juegos e invertir en crypto world. A veces, inconscientemente, han perdido el tiempo solo para pasar al siguiente nivel o controlar el mercado. Si solo estas dos cosas desafiantes y divertidas se pueden combinar, entonces uno debe ahorrar tiempo. Hacer dos cosas a la vez será más divertido. Sería más divertido si estas actividades ganan dinero. La industria del juego y la criptomoneda crecen muy rápidamente. Solo unas pocas personas pueden ver esto como una oportunidad. Flux considera que la cuota de mercado para la industria del juego es muy prometedora. La oportunidad comercial en esta industria s...
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BitRewards Ir de compras y recoger los tokens En línea con el desarrollo de la tecnología, hay un cambio de valores culturales. Este cambio también ocurre en las tendencias de compra. Si hace unos años el término ir de compras se refiere a las compras directas al mercado, entonces en esta era digital, más compras lleva a mover los dedos en el teléfono para pedir productos en línea. Con la penetración de Internet y la tecnología en constante crecimiento, el sector minorista en línea está en auge. El sector de comercio electrónico, en particular, ha alcanzado su punto más alto en la historia. Se ha predicho que las ventas minoristas aumentarán de $ 1.095 mil millones en 2016 a $ 4.058 mil millones en 2020, lo que representa el 14,6% del gasto minorista total de ese año. Para que este negocio minorista compita con sus competidores, los minoristas deben hacer un nuevo avance que pueda aumentar y mantener el número de clientes. Una forma de hacerlo es dar un regalo o una bonifi...
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IQEON Memanfaaatkan waktu dan mendapatkan Penghasilan dengan Game PvP Semua orang suka menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam untuk bermain game kesukaan mereka. Kadang tanpa disadari mereka telah membuang waktu dengan percuma hanya untuk bisa mencapai level berikutnya. Banyak orang pasti bertanya-tanya apakah ada suatu platform dimana bisa menghasilkan uang tanpa harus meninggalkan apa yang kita sukai? Bagaimana cara memanfaatkan waktu, otak dan kegemaran kita secara maksimal untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Penelitian yang dilakukan baru-baru ini mengungkapkan fakta bahwa kita hanya menggunakan 10% kemampuan otak kita ketika sedang bekerja tiap harinya.Itu berarti sisa kemampuan otak kita tidak diberdayakan secara maksimal. Tetapi bagi para gamer, kemampuan otak dimanfaatkan secara maksimal untuk memperoleh level tertinggi. Disinilah IQeon mempunyai pemikiran yang bisa dibilang out of the box untuk memaksimalkan kemampuan otak kita dengan bermain game dan dapat menghasilkan uang pula. ...
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WORLD WI-FI World Wi-Fi Project is a global decentralized Wi-Fi network based on a personal router that is usually its occupants. World Wi-Fi project is a global decentralized Wi-Fi network based on personal routers, which are usually residents. Each router owner can share their Wi-Fi bandwidth, allowing guests to connect and share bandwidth and in the process to get cryptography for this total capacity. In the end, everyone wins: while ordinary users get free Internet access, beneficiaries, and advertisers reach their target audience. World Wi-Fi is a global project created by the community. There are three keys in the chain: 1.User guests - connect to open and secure WiFi access points and to the Internet and view ads in exchange for free Wi-Fi 2. The owner of the router - provides secure Internet access through guest access WiFi access points and accepts payments from advertisers. 3. Advertisers are ads that target ...
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MINERVA Minerva is the world's first merchant processor What is Minerva? Minerva is the world's first merchant processor, a platform built on the Ethereal blockade and its crypto is OWL ERC20 tokens. Minerva's goal is to address the problem of mainstream crypto-curent adoption and provide businesses with incentive-paying solutions. The Minerva framework urges dealers to offer discounts or rewards on merchandise or paid administration for OWL tokens, to generate their utilization. According to the assignment whitepaper, as opposed to charging the exchange fee to vendors who know the OWL token, "The Minerva stages are paid with new tokens with variable rates aimed at battle expansion." Token can then be put into a fun wallet from ERC20, redeemed elsewhere in exchange for different types of digital currency, or converted into fiat to cover rebates or concentrated evaluations. Minerva intends to work with meetings with the ultimat...
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IIOT TELEKOM INDUSTRIAL INTERNET OF THINGS - TELECOM ON THE BLOCKCHAIN IIoT Telecom was one of the first companies to connect IIoT with Blockchain. The company's strategy is simple and ambitious: it includes all major cities with LoRaWAN-based wireless network technology (transport messaging for what is wireless to the Internet), and the application of special software - the decentralization of the platform to the industry Blockchain-based Internet (IIoT platform in Blockchain), NirkabelLoRaWAN access will be the main access technology for IIoT platform, but not the only one; access is possible from existing technology - Wi-Fi, Internet, cable connection etc. With IIOTEL technology, all accesses are easy to do with a single controlled platform supported by chain blocks, connection clients IIOTEL mission Create an innovative international company, whose technology and information solutions will improve existing activities business processes and peo...